Child Welfare
Services designed to prevent/address the neglect/maltreatment of children and youth under age 18; Includes parents associated with a child welfare case; Includes services provided to transition-aged youth (18 through 24).
CYF Active
Children, youth, parents and any other individual with an open child welfare case. Includes individuals receiving home and community-based services, in an out-of-home placement, and/or being otherwise supported by an assigned OCYF caseworker.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from July 2002 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Children Associated with a Child Welfare Case
Children and youth under 18 with an open child welfare case. Includes individuals receiving home and community-based services, in an out-of-home placement, and/or being otherwise supported by an assigned OCYF caseworker.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from July 2002 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Court Active and Adjudicated Dependent
Children and youth under 18 with an open child welfare case and are associated with a courts family dependency. Includes individuals receiving home and community-based services, in an out-of-home placement, and/or being otherwise supported by an assigned OCYF caseworker.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from July 2002 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Placement Services
Children and youth under 18 with an active child welfare case who have been removed from their home and are living with family members (i.e., kinship care), in a foster home, a group home or a residential facility.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County. Children and youth counted here may also be counted in Home and Community Based Services. For a unique count, please refer to 'Active Cases'
- Data is available from December 2011 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Parents Associated with a Child Welfare Case
Parents of children and youth associated with an open child welfare case.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County. This data may include youth and adolescents who are younger than 18 years if they are the biological parent of a child who is involved with child welfare services.
- Data is available from October 2006 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Transition Age Youth
Youth (age 14 through 24) receiving services designed to prepare them for living independently as adults. To qualify, they must have had at least 30 days of child welfare placement services on or after their 14th birthday.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from May 2012 to current.
- There is very little data lag expected.
Criminal and Juvenile Justice
Includes both Allegheny County Jail bookings and Allegheny County Jail Collaborative re-entry services.
Allegheny County Jail Booking
Individuals booked into the Allegheny County Jail. People may be in the jail awaiting resolution of a case, detained for violating community supervision or serving a sentence of less than 2 years
- The count includes those housed at the Allegheny County Jail or in an Alternative Housing (AH) facility. The Allegheny County Jail is the holding facility for the county and also houses people sentenced to incarceration for less than 2 years. AH are secure residential facilities that provides the opportunity for treatment, work release, and other services that enhance rehabilitation and reintegration.
- Data is available from July 2002 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Jail Collaborative Services
Individuals receiving services under the Allegheny County Jail Collaborative, a group of government agencies, nonprofit organizations, volunteers and community members working to reduce recidivism. Services are provided in the jail, alternative housing facilities and in the community.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from October 2013 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Criminal Cases (5th Judicial District)
All criminal justice cases within the Magisterial distrinct and Court of Common Pleas.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from January 2007 to current.
- Data lag is unknown.
Magisterial District Criminal Cases
All individuals having an active criminal case with any of the Magisterial District Courts.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from January 2010 to current.
- Data lag is unknown.
Court of Common Pleas Criminal Cases
All individuals having an active criminal case with the Court of Common Pleas.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from January 2007 to current.
- Data lag is unknown.
Adult Probation
All individuals actively being supervised by Adult Probation.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from January 2007 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
JPO Active Juveniles
A youth who is between 10 and 21 alleged to have, upon or after his or her 10th birthday, committed a delinquent act before reaching 18 or alleged to have violated the terms of juvenile probation prior to termination of juvenile court supervision. Supervision includes a wide range of statuses, such as intake, extended service, consent decree, probation, and placement. This count excludes youth referred to Juvenile Probation by District Justices for Failure to Comply with a Lawful Sentence due to nonpayment
- This program includes some residents of counties other than Allegheny
- Data is available from January 2007 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Youth Supervised by Consent Decree
Petitioned youth receiving a disposition of consent decree, which is the post-petition, pre-adjudication suspension of delinquency proceedings through which a juvenile may continue under supervision in the home with conditions. A consent decree can last for no more than 6 months. The court may discharge the juvenile sooner or extend the period for one additional 6 month period.
- This program includes some residents of counties other than Allegheny
- Data is available from January 2007 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Youth on Probation
Youth adjudicated delinquent who receive a disposition to probation, which entails being supervised in the community as an alternative to out-of-home placement, subject to conditions imposed by the court and/or probation office.
- This program includes some residents of counties other than Allegheny
- Data is available from January 2007 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Youth in JPO Placement
Youth adjudicated delinquent who receive a disposition to a residential delinquency placement facility, which can be secure or non-secure and privately or publicly operated. As used here, it does not include juvenile detention or shelter facilities.
- This program includes some residents of counties other than Allegheny
- Data is available from December 2011 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Shuman Center
Individuals booked into Shuman Center.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from Jan 1998 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Early Childhood and Education Services
Early intervention and head start services designed to promote school readiness, Pre-K Counts and public school data from partnering school districts within Allegheny County.
Early Childhood
Children under 5 and their families who receive early intervention, head start and/or Pre-K count services to promote school readiness.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from March 2009 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Early Childhood Child (AIU and PPS)
Children under 3, or parents of children under 3 receiving services designed to promote healthy prenatal outcomes, enhance the development of young children and promote healthy family functioning. Must meet income eligibility requirements.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from September 2016 to current.
- There is very little data lag expected.
Early Head Start Child (Pittsburgh area data by PPS, all others by AIU)
Children under 3 receiving services designed to enhance their development and promote healthy family functioning. . Their families must meet income eligibility requirements.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from September 2016 to current.
- There is very little data lag expected.
Head Start Child (Pittsburgh area data by PPS, all others by AIU)
Children under 5 who are receiving developmentally-appropriate early childhood education and family support, as well as services related to health, nutrition and social development. Their families must meet income eligibility requirements.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from March 2009 to current.
- There is very little data lag expected.
Pre-K Counts Child (no Pittsburgh area specific data in this dataset, only AIU)
Children ages 3 and 4 who are receiving pre-kindergarden education services . Their families must meet income eligibility requirements.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from March 2009 to current.
- There is very little data lag expected.
Early Childhood Parent (AIU)
Pregnant women, children under 3, or parents of children under 3 receiving services designed to promote healthy prenatal outcomes, enhance the development of young children and promote healthy family functioning. Must meet income eligibility requirements.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from September 2016 to current.
- There is very little data lag expected.
Early Head Start Parent (AIU)
Pregnant women or parents of children under 3 receiving services designed to promote healthy prenatal outcomes, enhance the development of young children and promote healthy family functioning. Must meet income eligibility requirements.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from September 2016 to current.
- There is very little data lag expected.
Head Start Parent (AIU)
Parents of children under 5 who are receiving developmentally-appropriate early childhood education and family support, as well as services related to health, nutrition and social development. Must meet income eligibility requirements.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from March 2009 to current.
- There is very little data lag expected.
Pre-K Counts Parent (AIU)
Parents of children ages 3 and 4 who are receiving pre-kindergarden education services . Must meet income eligibility requirements.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from March 2009 to current.
- There is very little data lag expected.
Early Intervention
Individuals who are referred to The Alliance for Infants and Toddlers (AFIT) for Early Intervention (EI) services.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from July 2014 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Early Intervention (EI) Referrals
Individuals referred to AFIT who have been further referred for specific services provided by AFIT.
- Data is available from July 2014 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Early Intervention (EI) Multidisciplinary Evaluation
Individuals referred to IFSP services who have received a multidisciplinary evaluation (MDE) for IFSP services.
- Data is available from July 2014 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Early Intervention (EI) Services
Individuals who have received either IFSP or Tracking Plan services.
- Data is available from July 2014 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Educational Assistance
Includes education assistance services provided by Integrated Program Services and Office of Behavioral Health
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from July 2016 to current.
- Very little data lag expected.
Educational Assistance Integrated Program Services
Provides direct services to schools and students including families to assist with truancy and attendance issues.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from July 2016 to current.
- Very little data lag expected.
Educational Assistance OBH Children’s Bureau
Provides consultation to families and schools in order to facilitate the development of appropriate and meaningful Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) for students with special needs. They support families by providing information, initiating contacts and referrals, and attending meetings as an advisor in developing these plans.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from July 2016 to current.
- Very little data lag expected.
Public Schools
Children and youth enrolled in kindergarten through twelfth grade in a DHS data-sharing partner school district.
- Calendar year and YTD include 2 school years of data. July data not available.
- Data availability is dependent on the individual sources.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Baldwin-Whitehall School District
Children and youth enrolled in kindergarten through twelfth grade in a Baldwin-Whitehall School District
- Calendar year and YTD include 2 school years of data. July data not available.
- No data is available.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Clairton City School District
Children and youth enrolled in kindergarten through twelfth grade in Clairton School District.
- Calendar year and YTD include 2 school years of data. July data not available.
- Data is available from School Year 2009-2010 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Cornell School District
Children and youth enrolled in kindergarten through twelfth grade in a Cornell School District
- Calendar year and YTD include 2 school years of data. July data not available.
- Data is available from School Year 2018-2019 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Duquesne City School District
Children and youth enrolled in kindergarten through twelfth grade in Duquesne City School District.
- Calendar year and YTD include 2 school years of data. July data not available.
- Data is available from School Year 2017-2018 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
East Allegheny School District
East Allegheny children and youth enrolled in kindergarten through twelfth grade in an East Allegheny School District school.
- Calendar year and YTD include 2 school years of data. July data not available.
- Data is available from School Year 2018-2019 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Elizabeth Forward School District
Children and youth enrolled in kindergarten through twelfth grade in Elizabeth Forward School District.
- Calendar year and YTD include 2 school years of data. July data not available.
- Data is available from School Year 2017-2018 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Highlands School District
Children and youth enrolled in Pre-K through twelfth grade in Highlands School District..
- Calendar year and YTD include 2 school years of data. July data not available.
- Data is available from School Year 2021-2022 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
McKeesport School District
Children and youth enrolled in kindergarten through twelfth grade in a McKeesport School District
- Calendar year and YTD include 2 school years of data. July data not available.
- Data is available from School Year 2017-2018 to 2018-2019.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Moon Area School District
Children and youth enrolled in kindergarten through twelfth grade in a Moon Area School District
- Calendar year and YTD include 2 school years of data. July data not available.
- Data is available from School Year 2019-2020 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Penn Hills School District
Children and youth enrolled in kindergarten through twelfth grade in Penn Hills School District.
- Calendar year and YTD include 2 school years of data. July data not available.
- Data is available for school years 2012-2013 to current, except for 2015-2016 and 2016-2017.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Pittsburgh Public School District
Pittsburgh children and youth enrolled in kindergarten through twelfth grade in Pittsburgh Public School District.
- Calendar year and YTD include 2 school years of data. July data not available.
- Data is available from School Year 2004-2005 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Propel School District
Children and youth enrolled in kindergarten through twelfth grade in a Propel School District
- Calendar year and YTD include 2 school years of data. July data not available.
- Data is available from School Year 2017-2018 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
South Allegheny School District
Children and youth enrolled in kindergarten through twelfth grade in a South Allegheny School District
- Calendar year and YTD include 2 school years of data. July data not available.
- Data is available from School Year 2018-2019 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
South Park School District
Children and youth enrolled in kindergarten through twelfth grade in a South Park School District
- Calendar year and YTD include 2 school years of data. July data not available.
- Data is available from School Year 2023-2024 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients
Steel Valley School District
Children and youth enrolled in kindergarten through twelfth grade in a Steel Valley School District school. .
- Calendar year and YTD include 2 school years of data. July data not available.
- Data is available from School Year 2018-2019 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Sto-Rox School District
Children and youth enrolled in kindergarten through twelfth grade in Sto-Rox School District
- Calendar year and YTD include 2 school years of data. July data not available.
- Data is available from School Year 2013-2014 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
West Mifflin School District
Children and youth enrolled in kindergarten through twelfth grade in a West Mifflin School District
- Calendar year and YTD include 2 school years of data. July data not available.
- Data is available from School Year 2018-2019 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Woodland Hills School District
Children and youth enrolled in kindergarten through twelfth grade in Woodland Hills School District.
- Calendar year and YTD include 2 school years of data. July data not available.
- Data is available from School Year 2011-2012 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Higher Education
Community College of Allegheny County (CCAC)
Students ever enrolled in CCAC.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from January 2021 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
CCAC - Full Time Enrollment
Individuals that are enrolled as Full Time status in CCAC.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from January 2021 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
CCAC - Part Time Enrollment
Individuals that are enrolled as Part Time status in CCAC.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from January 2021 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Family Strengthening Programs
Family Strengthening Programs include services designed to support families and youth across Allegheny County, including Family Centers, Home Visiting Programs, and Out-of-School Time programs.
Children Receiving Child Care Works Services (ELRC)
Contains ELRC Children Receiving Child Care Works Services.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from January 2020 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Guardians Receiving Child Care Works Subsidy (ELRC)
Contains Guardians in ELRC receiving child care works subsidy .
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from January 2020 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Family Centers
Children under 5 and their families receiving services from a Family Support Center (FSC). FSCs are neighborhood-based centers that offer support groups, activities, mentoring and in-home services.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from January 2002 to current.
- There is very little data lag expected.
Family Support Centers Home Visiting
Caregivers and children referred and/or receiving Home Visiting services based on the Parents as Teachers Curriculum. Home Visiting programs are services that provide pregnant women and parents/caregivers of children ages 0-5 with services to promote child development, and positive parenting techniques.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from July 2017 to current.
- There is very little data lag expected.
Family Conferencing and Teaming
Includes clients recieving Family Conferencing and Teaming services.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from January 2007 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Out of School Time
Includes clients receiving Out of School time services.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from January 2007 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Youth Support Partners
Youth receiving mentoring from Youth Support Partners (YSP) who are young adult professionals who have personal experience in some area of the human services or juvenile probation system. They share their insights with youth currently in the system, advocate for them and mentor them.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from January 2016 to current.
- There is very little data lag expected.
Includes clients receiving Tutoring/Mentoring services.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from January 2007 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
412 Youth Zone
Youth eligible for independent living services or who are experiencing unstable housing that attend one-stop center for young people ages 16-24 that are transitioning out of the foster care system.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from January 2017 to current.
- There is very little data lag expected.
Homelessness and Housing
Includes prevention, outreach, emergency shelter, housing and rehousing programs within the Allegheny County Continuum of Care, and Section 8 and public housing.
Homeless Services and Supports
Individuals and families receiving prevention services, support services and/or housing who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. Services are provided by DHS and DHS-contracted providers and include housing assistance, case management, prevention and outreach.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County. Municipality, Neighborhood, School District, Zip Code, and all legislative district information for clients is based on a client’s best address available in the data warehouse. As most persons receiving homeless services lack a current address, the data warehouse address may not be the most recent or most accurate address related to a client’s living situation.
- Data is available from July 2002 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Homeless Prevention and Other Supportive Services
Individuals and families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness who are receiving supportive services, such as rental assistance, utility assistance or non-housing supports.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from January 2013 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Day Shelter
Individuals and families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness who are receiving supportive services at a facility. These include meals, clothing, showers, and case management.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County. Municipality, Neighborhood, School District, Zip Code, and all legislative district information for clients is based on a client’s best address available in the data warehouse. As most persons receiving homeless services lack a current address, the data warehouse address may not be the most recent or most accurate address related to a client’s living situation.
- Data is available from January 2013 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Rental Assistance
Individuals receiving rental assistance through any program other than Covid Rent Relief. Clients are considered active during the months for which rent was paid.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County. Municipality, Neighborhood, School District, Zip Code, and all legislative district information for clients is based on a client’s best address available in the data warehouse.
- Data is available from January 2013 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Supportive Services
Individuals and families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness who receive supportive services such as case management, moving assistance, child care, education services, employment assistance/job training, housing search assistance, legal services, mental health or substance abuse treatment and other services designed to address the causes and effects of homelessness.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County. Municipality, Neighborhood, School District, Zip Code, and all legislative district information for clients is based on a client’s best address available in the data warehouse. As most persons receiving homeless services lack a current address, the data warehouse address may not be the most recent or most accurate address related to a client’s living situation.
- Data is available from January 2013 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Homeless Services
Individuals or families who are homeless, residing in short term care and refuge, or living in unsheltered locations who receive outreach services intended to connect them with emergency shelter or other critical services
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data available from July 2002 to current (street outreach available July 2007 to current, but missing 2013 and 2014)
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Bridge Housing
Individuals who are homeless who receive facility-based or scattered site medium term housing, typically ranging from one month to two years. This service is for individuals and families transitioning to a permanent housing solution.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County. Counts prior to 2018 included both Transitional Housing and Bridge Housing. Transitional Housing projects were phased out leading up to 2018; 2018 and forward counts represent Bridge Housing only. Municipality, Neighborhood, School District, Zip Code, and all legislative district information for clients is based on a client’s best address available in the data warehouse. As most persons receiving homeless services lack a current address, the data warehouse address may not be the most recent or most accurate address related to a client’s living situation.
- Data is available from July 2002 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Emergency Shelter
Individuals or families residing in short term care and refuge, which typically ranges from one day to several weeks, due to an immediate need for housing.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County. Municipality, Neighborhood, School District, Zip Code, and all legislative district information for clients is based on a client’s best address available in the data warehouse. As most persons receiving homeless services lack a current address, the data warehouse address may not be the most recent or most accurate address related to a client’s living situation.
- Data is available from July 2002 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Street Outreach
Individuals or families living in unsheltered locations who receive outreach services intended to connect them with emergency shelter or other critical services. Services include client engagement, case management, emergency health and mental health services, transportation and services for special populations.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County. Due to the nature of the way homeless street outreach programs operate, clients may remain enrolled longer than the time that they are actually participating in these programs, which can cause higher counts than the number actually being served in a time period. Municipality, Neighborhood, School District, Zip Code, and all legislative district information for clients is based on a client’s best address available in the data warehouse. As most persons receiving homeless services lack a current address, the data warehouse address may not be the most recent or most accurate address related to a client’s living situation.
- Data is available from July 2007 to current (missing 2013 and 2014)
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Permanent Housing for Formerly Homeless
Individuals or families who are receiving long-term housing support or short term rent assistance as they rapidly transition from homelessness to permanent and stable housing
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from July 2002 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Permanent Supportive Housing
Individuals who meet specific eligibility requirements, such as a disabling condition, and are receiving long-term housing support.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County. Municipality, Neighborhood, School District, Zip Code, and all legislative district information for clients is based on a client’s best address available in the data warehouse. As most persons receiving homeless services lack a current address, the data warehouse address may not be the most recent or most accurate address related to a client’s living situation.
- Data is available from July 2002 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Rapid Rehousing
Individuals or families receiving rent payment assistance, usually no longer than 18 months, as they rapidly transition from homelessness to permanent and stable housing.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County. Municipality, Neighborhood, School District, Zip Code, and all legislative district information for clients is based on a client’s best address available in the data warehouse. As most persons receiving homeless services lack a current address, the data warehouse address may not be the most recent or most accurate address related to a client’s living situation.
- Data is available from September 2003 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Subsidized Public Housing
Individuals receiving housing assistance, administered locally by the Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh (HACP) or the Allegheny County Housing Authority (ACHA). Must meet income eligibility requirements.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from 2004 or 2006 to current depending on the individual ACHA and HACP sources.
- There is no known data lag.
Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8)
Individuals receiving housing assistance from the Housing Choice Voucher program (Section 8), administered locally by the Allegheny County Housing Authority (ACHA) or the Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh (HACP). The program provides housing in the private market to families whose household income may not exceed 50% of median income for county or metropolitan area, older adults and persons with disabilities.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from 2004 or 2006 to current depending on the individual ACHA and HACP sources.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8) - Allegheny County
Individuals receiving housing assistance from the Housing Choice Voucher program (Section 8), administered locally by the Allegheny County Housing Authority (ACHA). The program provides housing in the private market to families whose household income may not exceed 50% of median income for county or metropolitan area, older adults and persons with disabilities.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from July 2006 to current. Partial data is available from 2002 to 2006.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8) - City of Pittsburgh
Individuals receiving housing assistance from the Housing Choice Voucher program (Section 8), administered locally by the Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh (HACP). The program provides housing in the private market to families whose household income may not exceed 50% of median income for county or metropolitan area, older adults and persons with disabilities.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from September 2007 to current. Partial data is available from 2002 to 2007.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Individuals residing in properties managed by the Allegheny County Housing Authority (ACHA) or the Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh (HACP). Public housing provides rental housing for eligible families, older adults, and persons with disabilities. Tenants typically pay no more than 30 percent of their monthly income for rent. Must meet income eligibility requirements.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from 2004 or 2006 to current depending on the individual ACHA and HACP sources.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Residential - Allegheny County
Individuals residing in properties managed by the Allegheny County Housing Authority (ACHA). Public housing provides rental housing for eligible families, older adults, and persons with disabilities. Tenants typically pay no more than 30 percent of their monthly income for rent. Must meet income eligibility requirements.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from July 2006 to current. Partial data is available from 2002 to 2006.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Residential - City of Pittsburgh
Individuals residing in properties managed by the Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh (HACP). Public housing provides rental housing for eligible families, older adults, and persons with disabilities. Tenants typically pay no more than 30 percent of their monthly income for rent. Must meet income eligibility requirements.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from September 2007 to current. Partial data is available from 2002 to 2007.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Landlord Tenant Filings
Data for landlord-tenant (eviction) cases filed in magisterial district courts in Allegheny County where the landlord is the Allegheny County Housing Authority or the Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh.
- The active period for each case is the day the case was filed and entered into the Magisterial District Judge System (MDJS). The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from Jan 2012 to current.
- For new housing authority tenants [ or HACP/ACHA for the sub-categories], there is a possible data lag of one month. For all other housing authority tenants data is refreshed daily.
ACHA Residential (LIPH)
Data for landlord-tenant (eviction) cases filed in magisterial district courts in Allegheny County where the landlord is the Allegheny County Housing Authority.
- The active period for each case is the day the case was filed and entered into the Magisterial District Judge System (MDJS). The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from Jan 2012 to current.
- For new housing authority tenants [ or HACP/ACHA for the sub-categories], there is a possible data lag of one month. For all other housing authority tenants data is refreshed daily.
HACP Residential (LIPH)
Data for landlord-tenant (eviction) cases filed in magisterial district courts in Allegheny County where the landlord is the Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh.
- The active period for each case is the day the case was filed and entered into the Magisterial District Judge System (MDJS). The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from Jan 2012 to current.
- For new housing authority tenants [ or HACP/ACHA for the sub-categories], there is a possible data lag of one month. For all other housing authority tenants data is refreshed daily.
Older Adults
Includes all services provided to older adults (age 60+), including caregiver support and guardianship.
Older Adults
Individuals 60 or older receiving services through the Area Agency on Aging (AAA). Services include senior centers, training and employment, transportation, Domiciliary Care (adult foster care), in-home services and caregiver support.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County. All Aging data sent to the DW is sourced from the Pennsylvania Department of Aging (PDA) mandated Social Assistance Management System (SAMS).
- Data is available from July 2014 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 2+ months for some clients. The most recent month is never loaded for Aging programs.
Community Care Transition Program
The Community-based Care Transitions Program (CCTP) helps consumers 21+, who are Medicaid beneficiaries and have been discharged from a participating hospital with a particular insurer, stay healthy and engaged in their care to avoid being re-admitted to the hospital.
- The program only includes consumers served by Allegheny County
- Data is available from July 2014 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 2+ months for some clients. The most recent month is never loaded for Aging programs.
Family Caregiver Support Services
Individuals receiving Family Caregiver Support Services, which provides reimbursement for caregiving expense and respite services provided by eligible caregivers caring for an older adult
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County. Family Caregiver Support Program or FCSP data is included when the Care Receiver has at least one day of activity within the report period. One exception is with the Grandparents program where the Care Receiver is not entered into the program but rather the Care Giver. The Care Giver is included when they have at least one day of activity within the report period.
- Data is available from July 2014 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 2+ months for some clients. The most recent month is never loaded for Aging programs.
Foster Care Program for Older Adults
Individuals 60 or older receiving services through the Domiciliary Care program, a foster care program for adults with special needs and frail older adults; includes a monthly stipend to the hosting adult(s)
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County. Domiciliary Care or Dom Care data is included when a consumer has at least one day of activity within the report period.
- Data is available from July 2014 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 2+ months for some clients. The most recent month is never loaded for Aging programs.
Information and Assistance
Information and Assistance (I&A) consists of the direct provision of information about and assistance in accessing services and resources to older adult consumers, their families, and caregivers; this includes screening for needs, providing appropriate current referrals and follow-up if needed and may involve more extensive support to the client which may extend over multiple contacts. I&A services may be provided in person, including in the consumers' place of residence, in writing, electronically/email,
- The program only includes consumers who interacted with Allegheny County SeniorLine or Elder Abuse Hotline staff
- SeniorLine Data is available from July 2015 to present.
Elder Abuse data is available from July 2019 to present.
- There is a possible data lag of 2+ months for some clients. The most recent month is never loaded for Aging programs.
Nursing Home Transition
Individuals 60 or older receiving Nursing Home Transition services designed to help them transition back to and remain in their community
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County. Nursing Home Transition program data is included when a consumer has at least one day of activity within the report period. There may be NHT consumers in the DW that were served by a different provider other than ACDHS Area Agency on Aging. This would account for consumers under 60 years old who were not served by ACDHS AAA in NHT.
- Data is available from July 2014 to 2019.
- There is a possible data lag of 2+ months for some clients. The most recent month is never loaded for Aging programs.
Older Adult Legal Guardianship
Individuals 60 or older receiving adult legal guardianship (conservatorship) services due to lack of capacity to make effective decisions regarding their own health, safety, welfare and finances.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County. Guardianship consumers are included if they received a specific Guardianship service within the report period.
- Data is available from July 2014 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 2+ months for some clients. The most recent month is never loaded for Aging programs.
Older Adults Participating in Volunteer Activities
Individuals 60 or older participating in volunteer activities organized by senior centers
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County. Volunteer program data is included when a consumer has at least one day of activity within the report period.
- Data is available from July 2014 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 2+ months for some clients. The most recent month is never loaded for Aging programs.
Protective Services
The Protective Services (PS) program provides services to vulnerable adults who are at risk of abuse, neglect or exploitation. Through a telephone hotline, residents can report allegations of harm to an older adult. Staff collect information about the allegation, investigate the situation, and, if allegations are substantiated, work with the individual on a care plan.
- The program only includes consumers served by Allegheny County who are 60+ years
- Data is available from July 2018 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 2+ months for some clients. The most recent month is never loaded for Aging programs.
Senior Centers
Individuals 60 or older participating in activities at, and receiving services from, senior centers; includes meals, information and assistance, health and wellness programs, transportation, socialization and recreation, educational and arts programs, and employment assistance
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County. Senior Centers consumers are included if they received a specific Senior Center service within the report period.
- Data is available from July 2014 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 2+ months for some clients. The most recent month is never loaded for Aging programs.
Physical and Behavioral Health
Includes publicly-funded mental health, substance use and physical health services, as well as justice-related and intellectual disability services.
Hospital Visits (Medicaid)
Individuals receiving a Medicaid-funded physical health service from a medical provider in a hospital setting.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from January 2015 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Emergency Department Visits (Medicaid)
Individuals receiving Medicaid-funded emergency room services.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from January 2015 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Emergency Department Visits Resulting in Inpatient Stay (Medicaid)
Individuals receiving Medicaid-funded emergency room services requiring admissin to the hospital.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from January 2015 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Emergency Department Visits Not Resulting in Inpatient Stay (Medicaid)
Individuals receiving Medicaid-funded emergency room services where admission to the hospital is not needed.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from January 2015 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Inpatient hospitalization, including Emergency Department (Medicaid)
Individuals receiving Medicaid-funded inpatient hospital services which can include emergency room services.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from January 2015 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Outpatient (Medicaid)
Individuals receiving Medicaid-funded medical services in an outpatient setting.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from January 2015 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
PCP (Medicaid)
Individuals receiving Medicaid-funded medical services from a primary care provider.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from January 2015 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Non-PCP (Medicaid)
Individuals receiving Medicaid-funded outpatient services from a medical provider, excluding visits to a primary care provider
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from January 2015 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Behavioral Health Services
Individuals receiving any service either Drug and Alcohol OR mental health, that are paid for by either the County or HealthChoices (i.e. Behavioral Health Medicaid managed care). Includes both clinical services, such as individual and group therapy and non-clinical services, such as case management and peer recovery support.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County. The count includes Allegheny County residents who received a substance use disorder service, mental health service, or student assistance program service paid by the County or HealthChoices (i.e. Medicaid managed care) on a fee-for service basis during the selected time period. It does not include services that were contracted and delivered on a program-funded basis or other contractual arrangement.
- Data availability is dependent on the individual sources.
- There can be several (3 or more) months of data lag between the date of service delivery and records reflecting in the data warehouse.
Mental Health Services (All)
Individuals receiving a publicly-funded (Allegheny County or Medicaid managed care/HealthChoices) mental health service. Includes both clinical services, such as individual and group therapy, and non-clinical services such as case management and peer support
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County. The count includes Allegheny County residents who received a mental health service paid by the County or HealthChoices (i.e. Medicaid managed care) on a fee-for service basis during the selected time period. It does not include services that were contracted and delivered on a program-funded basis or other contractual arrangement.
- Data availability is dependent on the individual sources.
- There can be several (3 or more) months of data lag between the date of service delivery and records reflecting in the data warehouse.
Mental Health Services (Medicaid)
Individuals receiving a mental health service paid for by HealthChoices (Medicaid-managed care). Includes both clinical services, such as individual and group therapy, and non-clinical services such as case management and peer support
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County. The count includes Allegheny County residents who received a substance use disorder service paid by the County or HealthChoices (i.e. Medicaid managed care) during the selected time period.
- Data is available from July 2002 to current.
- There can be several (3 or more) months of data lag between the date of service delivery and records reflecting in the data warehouse.
Mental Health Services (county funded)
Individuals receiving a mental health service paid for by Allegheny County. Includes both clinical services, such as individual and group therapy, and non-clinical services such as case management and peer support
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County. The count includes Allegheny County residents who received a substance use disorder service paid by the County or HealthChoices (i.e. Medicaid managed care) during the selected time period.
- Data is available from July 2002 to current.
- There can be several (3 or more) months of data lag between the date of service delivery and records reflecting in the data warehouse.
Services, regardless of funding source
MH Inpatient
Clients receiving behavioral health inpatient help.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from July 2002 to current.
- There can be several (3 or more) months of data lag between the date of service delivery and records reflecting in the data warehouse.
MH Outpatient
Clients receiving behavioral health outpatient help.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from July 2002 to current.
- There can be several (3 or more) months of data lag between the date of service delivery and records reflecting in the data warehouse.
MH Crisis
Clients receiving behavioral health crisis help initiated by phone or walk-in and paid for by Allegheny County Department of Human Services or Community Care Behavioral Health.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from July 2002 to current.
- There can be several (3 or more) months of data lag between the date of service delivery and records reflecting in the data warehouse.
Criminal Justice Involved
Individuals receiving Justice Related Services (JRS) paid for by the County or HealthChoices (i.e. Medicaid managed care). JRS offers an array of supports designed to assist people with mental illness and/or co-occurring mental illness and substance use disorder who encounter the criminal justice system.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County. The count includes Allegheny County residents who received a substance use disorder service paid by the County or HealthChoices (i.e. Medicaid managed care) during the selected time period.
- Data is available from March 2005 to current.
- There can be several (3 or more) months of data lag between the date of service delivery and records reflecting in the data warehouse.
MH Assistance OBH Children's Bureau
Students receiving assistance in schools on various mental health related issues
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from July 2016 to current.
- Very little data lag expected.
Mental Health Residential
Individuals 18 and older who have been admitted to a DHS MH Residential facility.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County. Data only includes clients admitted to MH Residential Housing.
- Data is availble for those indidvuals admitted after August 2017 to current.
- Very little data lag expected.
Involuntary Commitment Petition
Individuals who had an involuntary commitment to inpatient psychiatric care upheld. Known as a "302"; individuals are involuntarily committed if they are determined to be a danger to themselves or others due to a mental illness
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from March 2014 to current.
- 302 Petitions have Possible data lag of 1 month. Petitions 303 - 306 have very little data lag expected.
Intellectual Disability Services
Individuals receiving any Intellectual Disabilities (ID) service
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from September 2017 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Substance Use Disorder Services
Individuals receiving a publicly-funded (Allegheny County or Medicaid managed care/HealthChoices) substance use disorder (i.e. drug and alcohol) service. Excludes level of care assessments.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County. The count includes Allegheny County residents who received a substance use disorder service paid by the County or HealthChoices (i.e. Medicaid managed care) during the selected time period.
- Data is available from July 2002 to current.
- There can be several (3 or more) months of data lag between the date of service delivery and records reflecting in the data warehouse.
Student Assistance Program
School-aged children/adolescents receiving publicly funded services that assist in identifying non-academic barriers to learning; including alcohol, tobacco, other drugs, and mental health issues which pose a barrier to a student’s success.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County. The count includes Allegheny County residents who received a student assistance program service paid by the County or HealthChoices (i.e. Medicaid managed care) during the selected time period.
- Data is available from August 2017 to current.
- There can be several months of lag between the date of service delivery and records reflecting in the DW.
Referrals to Child Welfare or DHS
DHS Referrals
Persons or households with referrals for child welfare or services through DHS’ Allegheny Link.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from August 2008 to current.
- Very little data lag expected.
Child Welfare Referral
Individuals associated with an open child welfare referral or investigation.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from August 2008 to current.
- Very little data lag expected.
Child Referral
Children and youth under 18 with an open child welfare referral. Referrals are reports of possible child abuse and/or neglect that are received by child protective services intake staff
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from August 2008 to current.
- Very little data lag expected.
Child Investigation
Children and youth under 18 with an open child welfare investigation to deterimine if matlreatment has occurred.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from August 2008 to current.
- Very little data lag expected.
Parent Referral
Parents of children and youth associated with an open child welfare referral.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from August 2008 to current.
- Very little data lag expected.
Parent Investigation
Parents of children and youth associated with an open child welfare investigation.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from August 2008 to current.
- Very little data lag expected.
Alleged Perpetrator Referral
Alleged perpetrator of the allegations associated with an open child welfare referral. Suspected child abuse can be
caused by the alleged perpetrator
by acts either he or she committed
(commission) or by failing to prevent
abuse (omission).
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from August 2008 to current.
- Very little data lag expected.
Alleged Perpetrator Investigation
Alleged perpetrator of the allegations associated with an open child welfare investigation.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from August 2008 to current.
- Very little data lag expected.
Referral (all roles)
Individuals associated with an open child welfare referral.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from August 2008 to current.
- Very little data lag expected.
Investigation (all roles)
Individuals associated with an open child welfare investigation.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from August 2008 to current.
- Very little data lag expected.
Link Referrals
Persons and households, with or without children, that have received referrals from DHS’ Allegheny Link for services, including home visiting, family support centers, self-sufficiency, homeless services and homeless case management.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County. Data only includes clients referred to services
- Dependent on individual sources.
- Very little data lag expected.
Link Referral to Home Visiting Program
Pregnant women and families with children ages zero to age 6, referred to home visiting services provided by a family center or ACHD.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County. Data only includes clients referred to services
- Data is available from January 2016 to current.
- Very little data lag expected.
Link Referral to Family Support Centers
Pregnant women and families with children ages 0 up to age 6, screened and referred to Allegheny County' s Family Support Centers for socialization purposes.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County. Data only includes clients referred to services
- Data is available from June 2017 to current.
- Very little data lag expected.
Link Referral to Self Sufficiency
Heads of households identified as low income families receive referrals to programs to improve self sufficiency, such as case management, job training and modern office systems training.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County. Data only includes clients referred to services
- Data is available from 2016 to 2018.
- Very little data lag expected.
Link Referral to Homeless Services and Supports
Persons and households with or without children, experiencing housing instability, are screened and assessed for program eligibility, resulting in referrals to programs providing services for homeless prevention, permanent housing, or other homeless service programs.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County. Data only includes clients referred to services
- Data is available from March 2015 to current
- Very little data lag expected.
Link Referral to Homeless Case Management (HCM)
Households with children, who have been active in homeless service programs, such as emergency shelters, are screened and referred to homeless case management programs. This service provides service coordination and supports to families as they work to achieve housing stability.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County. Data only includes clients referred to services
- Data is available from January 2016 to current.
- Very little data lag expected.
Self Sufficiency
Includes public benefits (e.g., TANF, SNAP, Medicaid) as well as employment/training, family support and community services.
Employment and Training
Individuals receiving services from one of DHS’s Employment and Training programs.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from July 2002 to May 2015.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
General Assistance
Individuals who are receiving General Assistance (GA) through the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (PA DHS). GA was a cash assistance program that was provided to individuals who were not eligible for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). The GA program ended on August 1, 2019.
- This program does not cover all public benefits recipients in Allegheny County. It also includes some residents of other counties besides Allegheny.
- Data is available from January 2008 to July 2019.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Integrated Teaming Meeting
Individuals who are involved in multiple services across DHS offices participate in meetings with their case managers and providers to develop a plan based on their strengths and needs and to coordinate service delivery. Assessing, planning and integrating services fosters and supports the weaving of services around the particular needs of client/consumer participants.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County. Data only includes clients whose meeting was scheduled or facilitated. Excludes cancelled meetings.
- Data is available from May 2016 to current.
- Very little data lag expected.
Medicaid Insured
Individuals who receive health insurance through HealthChoices, Pennsylvania's managed care program for Medical Assistance recipients (also known as Medicaid).
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from July 2002 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 2 months for some clients.
Resource Supports for Courts - IPS
Provides assistance to clients that are referred to courts and best ways to navigate potential issues and requirements
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from July 2016 to current.
- Very little data lag expected.
Self Sufficiency
Heads of households identified as low income receive services to help improve self sufficiency, such as case management, job training and modern office systems training.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County. Includes only heads of household.
- Data is available from September 2013 to current.
- Very little data lag expected.
Self Sufficiency Case Management
Heads of households identified as low income receive case management services to help improve self sufficiency, such as case management, employment assistance services, job preparedness services, transportation services and other services.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County. Includes only heads of household.
- Data is available from September 2013 to current.
- Very little data lag expected.
Self Sufficiency Job Training
Heads of households identified as low income receive job training services to help improve self sufficiency, such as career and job counseling services for unemployed and underemployed persons, as well as matching employers with individuals looking for work.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County. Includes only heads of household.
- Data is available from July 2016 to current.
- Very little data lag expected.
Self Sufficiency Modern Office System Training
Heads of households identified as low income receive modern office system training services to help improve self sufficiency, which includes free, up to date quality office technology training to unemployed and underemployed individuals for the purpose of develpping skills that will lead to self sufficiency and career advancement.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County. Includes only heads of household.
- Data is available from July 2016 to current.
- Very little data lag expected.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
Individuals who are enrolled in Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). SNAP is a federally-funded program that provides vouchers that are used to purchase food.
- This program does not cover all public benefits recipients in Allegheny County. It also includes some residents of other counties besides Allegheny.
- Data is available from January 2008 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
Individuals currently receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI). SSI is a federal program that provides monthly cash payments to people who are 65 or older and individuals of any age (including children) who are blind or disabled.
- This program does not cover all public benefits recipients in Allegheny County. It also includes some residents of other counties besides Allegheny.
- Data is available from January 2008 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
Individuals currently receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) benefits. TANF provides short-term cash assistance to low-income parents of dependent children.
- This program does not cover all public benefits recipients in Allegheny County. It also includes some residents of other counties besides Allegheny.
- Data is available from January 2008 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Transportation to Medical Appointments (MATP)
Individuals receiving assistance from the Medical Assistance Transportation Program (MATP), which provides shared transportation, bus passes and gas reimbursement for eligible Allegheny County residents of all ages. Transportation may be to non-emergency medical services including both physical health services (doctor, dentist, pharmacist, psychologist) and behavioral health services (mental health and drug and alcohol counseling and treatment).
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from August 2002 to current.
- There is a possible data lag of 1 month for some clients.
Vital Records
Provides data on Allegheny County homicides, overdoses and suicides.
Accidental Overdose
Individuals who died in the County and whose deaths were recorded as accidental drug related overdose deaths by the Allegheny County Medical Examiner's Office.
- Note that slight reporting differences may be observed when comparing to other sources. This may be due to data warehouse requirements for verifying that death incidents had occurred within the spatial boundary of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from January 2008 to current.
- Confirmed results of some autopsies may not be received by DHS and reflected in the data warehouse for up to 12 months.
Individuals who died in the County and whose deaths were recorded as homicides by the Allegheny County Medical Examiner's Office.
- Note that slight reporting differences may be observed when comparing to other sources. This may be due to data warehouse requirements for verifying that death incidents had occurred within the spatial boundary of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from July 2002 to current.
- Confirmed results of some autopsies may not be received by DHS and reflected in the data warehouse for up to 12 months.
Individuals who died in the County and whose deaths were recorded as suicides by the Allegheny County Medical Examiner's Office.
- Note that slight reporting differences may be observed when comparing to other sources. This may be due to data warehouse requirements for verifying that death incidents had occurred within the spatial boundary of Allegheny County.
- Data is available from July 2002 to current.
- Confirmed results of some autopsies may not be received by DHS and reflected in the data warehouse for up to 12 months.
All Human Services
All publicly-funded human services.
All Human Services
Individuals who received a service provided by the Allegheny County Department of Human Services (DHS) or by external providers.
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data availability is dependent on the individual sources.
- Data lag is dependent on individual sources.
Department of Human Services
Individuals who received a service provided by the Allegheny County Department of Human Services (DHS)
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data availability is dependent on the individual sources.
- Data lag is dependent on individual sources.
Non-DHS Services
Individuals who received a service not provided by the Allegheny County Department of Human Services (DHS)
- The program only includes residents of Allegheny County.
- Data availability is dependent on the individual sources.
- Data lag is dependent on individual sources.